Key West Fantasy Fest After a Hurricane

So Fantasy Fest 2017 is complete, another fantastic event I am grateful to have participated in! I am impressed with the amount of people that made it to the event to join in the festivities this year after the horrendous hurricane swept through the Florida Keys! Certainly the boost to the morale and economy in Key West is much appreciated.

Kid Rock Body Paint Fantasy Fest Key West Body Painter Jennifer Montgomery of CrazyFaces FacePainting and Body Art 610.764.0853

Kid Rock Body Paint Fantasy Fest Key West Body Painter Jennifer Montgomery of CrazyFaces FacePainting and Body Art 610.764.0853

It was a good year for me as a body painter, a bit more low key than usual but good overall. The tone and energy was a bit quite and calmer than all the years past.
 Body Paint Fantasy Fest Key West Body Painter Jennifer Montgomery of CrazyFaces FacePainting and Body Art 610.764.0853

Body Paint Fantasy Fest Key West Body Painter Jennifer Montgomery of CrazyFaces FacePainting and Body Art 610.764.0853

I , personally, was mostly in a work flow energy more than the party and have fun energy. I typically attend some of the fun and dress up, paint myself and party, this year was different… partly because I didn’t have my stuff ( Irma took it, lol) and life changes after a hurricane are a bit exhausting!!! I was really happy to paint my annual , regular clients and make some new friends as well. It was nice helping them coordinate costumes and visions and chat about life and laugh. Honestly, it was the simplicity and little things that felt comforting this time. It was quite an experience driving back into the Keys as I had not been back since late August. I had nowhere to live since Irma destroyed everything. So the drive into my favorite place in the land was a bit depressing to say the very least.It takes some time to process those realities coupled with meeting with friends and seeing things in real time rather than online or the news. On the up side, I worked out the living situation and all is good. Its onward and upward from here! Thanks to everyone that participated in another amazing Fantasy Fest! See you all next year 🙂 For face painting and body art in Philadelphia, Miami and Key West contact Jennifer of CrazyFaces FacePainting and Body Art 610.764.0853